Patti has been a lifelong student of esoteric and healing modalities. Encouraged at a young age by a very spiritual mother, she learned the fine art of reading tea leaves and listening to her intuition. In 1986 while pregnant with her 2nd child Patti was attacked by the Yuppie Flu which left her with CFIDS (chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome) and Fibromyalgia. This eventually led her to use a cane to help her get around.
In 2005 her physician recommend she begin to use a second cane. Realizing that the next step would be a wheelchair she became determined to reverse all of this. Through physio therapy, and Reiki healing she was able to put away her cane. It took about 5 years but today she rarely has a Fibromyalgia flare-up! The benefits of the Reiki led her to study the Energy healing modalities.
While pregnant with her 3rd son, a bout of depression and PTSD led her on a self-help journey and a twelve step recovery process. Working through programs and support groups such as Recapturing a Lost Childhood, Adult Children of Alcoholics / Trauma and Co-Dependents Anonymous allowed her to heal unresolved childhood issues. Her own success and empathy stirred a passion to help others and for over a decade she facilitated these programs and mentored many people on their own journeys.
Her own emotional growth and self-actualization has led Patti to discover and study the healing benefits of energy work. It has inspired her to share her wisdom, experience and resourcefulness to assist and guide others to achieve their own personal healing and wellness. A certified Reiki Master, Advanced ThetaHealingĀ®, and Access BarsĀ® practitioner, Patti continues her education in these modalities. Always looking for ways to help people, she has also studied Dowsing, ChiosĀ®, A Journey Through the Chakras, Introduction to Crystals by Judy Hall, Grandmother Drumming and Shamanic Journeying.